What to do?
1. Create a php file for the view section. I've named it authenticateView.php
<div style="height:300px;width: 500px;"> <div id="login-panel"> </div> </div>
Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); new Ext.Panel({ id : "ext-panel", renderTo : "login-panel", bodyStyle : "background-color:aliceblue;", height : 250, width : 500, items : [ new Ext.FormPanel({ id : "login-form", bodyStyle : "background-color:transparent", style : { 'padding-top': 80 }, border : false, height : 180, width : 370, monitorValid : true, items : [ new Ext.form.TextField({ id : 'username', name : 'username', fieldLabel : 'Username', allowBlank : false, blankText : 'Username is required.', msgTarget : 'side', width : 200 }), new Ext.form.TextField({ id : 'password', name : 'password', inputType : 'password', fieldLabel : 'Password', blankText : 'Password is required.', allowBlank : false, msgTarget : 'side', width : 200 }) ], buttons:[ { text : 'Login', handler : function(){ authenticate(Ext.getCmp('username').getValue(),Ext.getCmp('password').getValue()) } }, { text : 'Reset', handler : function(){ Ext.getCmp('login-form').getForm().reset(); } } ] }) ] }) }) function authenticate(u,p){ var dataPanel = Ext.getCmp('ext-panel'); Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest',function(conn,o,result){ dataPanel.getEl().mask('Authenticating...','x-mask-loading'); }) Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete',function(conn,o,result){ dataPanel.getEl().unmask(true); }) Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception',function(conn,o,result){ dataPanel.getEl().unmask(true); Ext.MessageBox.show({ title : 'Message', msg : '<div style="margin-top:5px;text-align:center;color:red;">Server Error</div>', width : 300, buttons : Ext.MessageBox.OK, animEl : 'ext-panel', iconCls : 'login-button-icon' }); }); Ext.Ajax.request({ url : "index.php?page=login&action=authenticateScript&wp=0", method : "POST", params : {_password:p,_user:u}, callback : function(options,success,result){ var response = Ext.util.JSON.decode(result.responseText); if(!response.success){ Ext.MessageBox.show({ title : 'Message', msg : '<div style="margin-top:5px;text-align:center">' + response.error.reason + '</div>', width : 300, buttons : Ext.MessageBox.OK, animEl : 'ext-panel', iconCls : 'login-button-icon' }); }else{ Ext.MessageBox.show({ title : 'Message', msg : '<div style="margin-top:5px;text-align:center">Login Successful</div>', width : 300, buttons : Ext.MessageBox.OK, animEl : 'ext-panel', iconCls : 'login-button-icon' }); } } }) }
3. Created a Controller which I named it LoginController.php
<?php class LoginController extends ActionController{ function doAuthenticate(){ $this->dynamicJs = ""; } function doAuthenticateScript(){ $message['success'] = false; $name = $_POST['_user']; $pass = $_POST['_password']; require_once 'application/model/login/LoginModel.php'; $loginModel = new LoginModel(); $loginModel->autheticateUser($name, $pass); if(!LoginModel::$SUCCESS){ $message['error']['reason'] = LoginModel::$MESSAGE; }else{ $message['success'] = true; } echo json_encode($message); } } ?>
4. Created the model layer which I name it LoginModel.php
<?php class LoginModel{ public static $SUCCESS = false; public static $MESSAGE; function autheticateUser($user,$pass){ if($user == 'admin'){ if($pass == 'admin'){ LoginModel::$SUCCESS = true; }else{ LoginModel::$MESSAGE = "Password is invalid!"; } }else{ LoginModel::$MESSAGE = "Username is invalid!"; } } } ?>
![]() |
When authenticating a user... |
![]() |
If username is invalid... |
![]() |
If password is invalid... |
![]() |
When login is succesfull... |
I can share the code if you want to have it. Pop me an email at theredfont01@gmail.com