The advent of the several new high-profile Android handsets like the Samsun Galaxy S, Droid X and HTC Evo 4G have turned that initial drizzle of apps into a torrent. With over 100,000 apps and counting available in Google’s Android Market now, it has become much more difficult for us to choose what we think are the best applications to get most of our phone. Users may think they got most of from their android phone but they may be missing out something.
Gas Buddy (FREE)
As gas prices still consistently going up, finding the cheapest nearby gas station can be very frustrating and pointless task, much more when you are driving and wasting precious fuel to look for the best price just so you have the excuse of saying you did. With Gas Buddy with your company, you can quickly locate the nearest gas stations and even suggest you the best price. It shows you a helpful map, using your location, of all your options.
Weather Channel (FREE)
It is known that weather changes are unpredictable specially now that climate change is on the rise. With this app, you’ll find yourself checking before you even crack the blinds in the morning. This app also offers hourly and 10-day forecast needed for planning ahead. Moreover, it offers an very much accurate current conditions with complete detail down to wind speed, humidity and UV index. Much more is that advanced features like an animated radar.
Google Voice (FREE)
The luxury of keeping your true mobile number private can be easily achieved because with Google Voice, you can have a free number will be dedicated to cater your outgoing calls, receive calls, send texts and even receive access to your voicemail and text messages over the Web. Another exciting feature of this app is voicemail transcription which automatically transcribes your voicemails to text messages so that you can read them like your e-mail.
iTriage Mobile (FREE)
Health is one of our major concerns besides having complete set of basic needs. That’s why this app is equally important. This app is created by doctors to give users an easy access to medical info as well as nearby treatment facilities. With this app, users can easily navigate the nearest medical facility based on the need (emergency, urgent care, pharmacy etc.) by using Google Maps to locate the destination. Another helpful feature is that, it includes symptom-checker, doctor directory and information about diseases and procedures.
Opera Mini Web Browser (FREE)
It speeds up web searches by using special servers that compresses pages prior to sending them to your phone delivering an equal shot of adrenaline as the Opera Mini on iPhone. A portable browser that uses less bandwidth and pages appear in fraction of time which makes it the choice of many for phone internet browsing.
Pulse News(FREE)
This free app is a great reader for those who like to get their daily dose of news or gossip on their Android device. Pulse lets users select up to 30 online sources to pull from, and then creates clean, magazine-like pages that feature thumbnail photos and headlines from each source. Most articles or blogs can be easily read within the app, and the sources update in a flash. It’s the perfect substitute for your morning or evening Internet scan. Add sources like CNN, Gawker, Salon, Wet Paint, MSNBC, and Mashable.
Google Googles(FREE)
This app allows users to search for information by taking a photo of a book, landmark, barcode, business card, or work of art and inputting it into the visual Google search engine. The app can recognize products, give users historical information on landmarks, provide basic information on businesses, and copy down information from business cards. Essentially it is a visual search engine for your device. Yet another great app from Google.
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